Make unique magnets using air-dry clay. Finish your creations at home with provided materials.
Enjoy classic nursery rhymes using interactive stories, songs, dance and more! Registration required to attend.
Learn and practice American Sign Language with a different theme/prompt each time. Participants must be able to interact with others using the 3 parts of ASL. At-home practice is strongly encouraged. Not recommended for beginners. Registration is recommended but not required.

Home Page


The library would like to thank all of the generous donors who contribute materials, funds and time to the library on a constant basis. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Grants given by the Dorothy Louise Kyler Foundation and the Miami County Foundation have made improvements to the library and its collection possible in the past.


The Milton-Union Public Library first opened its doors on the second floor of the old City Building on South Miami Street (downtown) in the spring of 1937.  It opened with 1,500 books on the shelves, 800 of which had been donated by member of the community.  After moving several times, the library moved into its permanent home at 560 S.


Patrons can check out many traditional materials:

  • Books (Fiction, Inspirational Fiction, Young Adult Fiction, Nonfiction, Biographies, Picture, Board, Ready-to-Read)
  • Audiobooks (Fiction, Nonfiction, Inspirational, Biographies, Children)
  • Music (variety of genres and special collections)
  • DVDs (Fiction, Nonfiction, Inspirational, Children)
  • Games (Nintendo Wii, DS, Switch, XBox 360, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5)


As well as nontraditional materials: