Patrons can check out many traditional materials:
- Books (Fiction, Inspirational Fiction, Young Adult Fiction, Nonfiction, Biographies, Graphic Novels, Picture, Board, Ready-to-Read)
- Magazines (Reader's Digest, Consumer Reports, Time, People, Ohio Magazine)
- Newspaper (Wall Street Journal, Dayton Daily News, Tippecanoe Gazette)
- Audiobooks (Fiction, Nonfiction, Inspirational, Biographies, Children)
- Music (variety of genres and special collections)
- DVDs (Fiction, Nonfiction, Inspirational, Children)
- Games (Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Switch, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2)
As well as nontraditional materials:
- Telescopes
- Wifi Hotspots
- Puzzles
- Bike Locks
- Electric Meters
- iPad (for the visually impaired)
We have a variety of technology and resources available inside the library:
- Genealogy and local history, including the West Milton Record and local obituary information
- Reference books
- 5 Computers with internet access
- Wi-Fi throughout building
- Wi-Fi Printer - 10¢ per black & white page 25¢ per color page
- Faxing Machine- $1.00 per page
And outside the library:
- Wi-Fi throughout the building grounds
- Research Databases
- Homebound Delivery
Other services:
- Large meeting room available upon request
- Golden Buckeye registration forms
- Tax Preparation forms
- AARP Tax Preparation Meeting Site
- Voter Registration
- Teacher Collections
- Interlibrary loans