COLOR MANIA! Listen to teen-chosen music, enjoy snacks, and color your heart out!
The Milton-Union Public Library will be closed on Monday, February 17 in observance of President's Day.
Just as the New Year is about to begin, the evil scientist, Dr. Page, stopped time! Save 2025 by solving mysteries before it's too late. Small groups, individuals, adults, and teens with adults are welcome. Refreshments provided. Registration required.

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Volunteer at the Library

We love our volunteers at the Milton-Union Public Library!  We have available volunteer positions for teens and adults, and lots of opportunities for you to use your skills and strengths in a way that will benefit the entire community.  Come in and get an application or ask to speak to our Volunteer Coordinator, and we'll get you set up as soon as possible. 


Public Access to Library Records

Ohio Revised Code Section 149.43 provides that all public records shall be promptly prepared and made available for inspection to any person during business hours.

Requests for inspection of any public record kept by the Milton-Union Public Library shall be addressed to the Library Director, who is to respond to the request within three business days. No employee other than the Director or his/her designee is authorized to release any record.