COLOR MANIA! Listen to teen-chosen music, enjoy snacks, and color your heart out!
The Milton-Union Public Library will be closed on Monday, February 17 in observance of President's Day.
Just as the New Year is about to begin, the evil scientist, Dr. Page, stopped time! Save 2025 by solving mysteries before it's too late. Small groups, individuals, adults, and teens with adults are welcome. Refreshments provided. Registration required.

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Pumpkin Carving Contest

We will be having a pumpkin carving contest. Bring your carved pumpkins into the library and sit it on the table outside on Oct. 23 and 24 and voting will take place the week of Oct. 26 - 30 by age group! Winners will be announced on Oct. 31. Don't forget to pick up your pumpkin for Trick or Treat!