Research Databases
Image | Description |
A to Z The USA An online encyclopedia of everything about the USA. |
Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos (World Book) Spanish-language encyclopedia for Spanish speakers and Spanish language learners, this database includes videos, compare and contract features, and a visual dictionary. |
Explora Designed to meet the unique needs of its users, Explora supports both student research and classroom instruction with rich, reliable content and easy-to-use functionality. |
Gran Hispanica (World Book) World Book has partnered with one of the world's largest and most respected Spanish-language publishers to offer online this comprehensive Spanish-language encyclopedia that includes over 100,000 articles, more than 9,000 images and maps, and nearly 1,000 videos, animations, sounds, and interactive media. |
L'Encyclopedie Decouverte (World Book) A full-featured, beginner-level reference source, this database is written at basic French reading levels. This seamlessly integrates with World Book Kids for parallel English-language content. |
Middle Search Plus Designed for middle school libraries, this full-text database provides popular magazines and reference books. Covering subjects such as history, current events, science and sports, it also includes thousands of biographies, primary source documents, photos, maps and flags. |
Ohio Web Library These online research resources are provided by Ohio Libraries to all Ohio residents. |
Oxford Research Encyclopedias Articles from numerous academic encyclopedias of Social Work, the Oxford Classical Dictionary, American History, Climate Science, Communication, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Environmental Science, International Studies, Latin American History, Linguistics, Literature, Religion, Communication, and Politics. |
Primary Search Designed for elementary school libraries, Primary Search is a full-text database providing popular children's magazines, easy-to-read encyclopedic entries and a vast image collection. Students can learn about a variety of topics, including endangered species, famous musicians, fitness and space exploration. |
TOPICsearch Teachers, librarians and student researchers can use this database to explore current events, social, political and economic issues, scientific discoveries and other popular topics frequently discussed in the classroom. |
World Book Resources include encyclopedic content, e-books, multimedia, a vast collection of primary source documents, and a wealth of research tools that allow students ot customize and save their work. |